Zilker 351 Goals and Projects for 2025.
ZILKER 351 2025 Goals
ACCESS, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION: Connect all in our Austin community to the Zilker Park experience with a focus on access, equity, and inclusivity to sustainably address the environment, culture and history of Zilker Metropolitan Park.
Assessment And Monitoring Objectives: Research and document the history of barriers to access in Zilker Park to be used in a series of conversations, stories, and an interactive website about ensuring access, equity and inclusion for all going forward.
COMMUNICATIONS: Create awareness and share information about Zilker 351 and its work.
Community Engagement Objectives: Conduct community listening sessions and regularly meet with the other organizations working within Zilker to align goals with community needs. Provide educational and engaging activities in the park for community members.
Community Calendar: Provide a community calendar on our website that aggregates all community events hosted by the 15 organizations working within the park and/or the City of Austin.
ENVIRONMENTAL AND STEWARDSHIP PROJECTS: Champion and support park projects and/or programs that Zilker 351 completes together in collaboration with the City of Austin/PARD.
Zilker Woodland Tree Canopy Project: Complete "Zilker Woodland Tree Canopy" projects as outlined in the 2022 Zilker Park Natural Resource Inventory & Management Guidelines commissioned by Barton Springs Conservancy, to provide shade for pedestrians along trail, improve the user experience, reduce downslope travel of water and allow for infiltration, improve water quality, reduce impacts of impervious cover on localized heating, and improve carbon capture performance with new trees.
Assessment And Monitoring Objectives: Continue to assess and monitor ecological needs of Zilker Park and provide appropriate stewardship as approved by the City.
GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Monitor, promote, and educate elected officials, board, commissions, and staff on programs and projects identified by Zilker 351 for the benefit of Zilker Park.
Assessment And Monitoring Objectives: Timely and frequent interaction with key stakeholders and community leaders to ensure Zilker 351’s goals are meeting community needs; Successfully advocate for passage of the 2026 Bond Campaign as it relates to park improvements.